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Monday, January 24, 2011

QUIT SMOKING? A Healthier Alternative!

If you or someone you know smokes and needs to quit-- THEY NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS PRODUCT!

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' in a report, Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the Surgeon General. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000 -

Over 400,000 people die each year from their own cigarette smoking.
Over 50,000 nonsmokers who die each year from exposure to secondhand smoke
Over 6,000,000 kids will ultimately die from smoking (unless smoking rates decline).
Over 8 million people in the USA currently suffer from smoke causing illness
Smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined!
Over 400,000 kids become daily smokers each year, and almost a third will ultimately die from it.
On average, smokers lose an average of 13 to 14 years of life because of their smokTing.
Statistics show parents who smoke are much more likely to have children who smoke
The average age for children to start smoking being age 13.

These Traditional Cigarette Smoking Facts give evidence to the necessaity and importance of stopping this addiction.

Many ex-smokers say quitting was the hardest thing they ever did. Do you feel hooked? You're probably addicted to nicotine. Nicotine is in all tobacco products. It makes you feel calm and satisfied. At the same time, you feel more alert and focused. The more you smoke, the more nicotine you need to feel good. Soon, you don't feel "normal" without nicotine. It takes time to break free from nicotine addiction. It may take more than one try to quit for good. So don't give up too soon. You can feel good again.

Quitting is also hard because smoking is a big part of your life. You enjoy holding cigarettes and puffing on them. You may smoke when you are stressed, bored, or angry. After months and years of lighting up, smoking becomes part of your daily routine. You may light up without even thinking about it.

Break the Addiction! Introducing one of the most exciting inventions relating to smoking in our century! The new Electronic Cigarette, also Known as the E-Cigarette…it looks like a cigarette, feels like a cigarette, taste like a cigarette, but is not a cigarette…it’s so much better! E-Cigaretttes, a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes! Our Electronic Cigarettes have no tobacco, no tar, no secondhand smoke or none of the 4000 chemicals that you can find in a traditional cigarette.

The Electronic Cigarette is a non-flammable rechargeable product that uses state of the art micro-electronic technology which provides smokers with a real smoking experience without the fire, flame, ashes, tobacco, tar, carbon monoxide, cigarette butts or the stale smell found in real cigarettes. Imagine your clothes, your home and your car free from the stale smell of cigarettes, I don’t think there’s a smoker anywhere that will miss that! Not to mention no more stained teeth!

The Electronic Cigarette offers smokers an alternative way of smoking and the freedom to smoke anywhere. The smokers still get the nicotine without the harmful side affects of smoking traditional cigarettes. What a better way to finally quit, while still getting the nicotine your body craves.

This product could save your life... or the life of a loved one. Read testimonials about how this product has help smokers kick the habbit. Cigarettes have a horrible impact on our society and health. But once hooked, few people can stop. If cigarettes are negatively impacting your life or the life of someone you know and love, do them a favor and send them to this page.

To get more information about the most important decision of your life or to order your E-Cigarettes today, visit Stop Smoking. Keep Smoking but...Stop Dying.

Thanks for reading my blog today. Please leave your comments about your experiences with smoking, wanting to quite, or a product which helped you succeed in quiting.

Finally, if you are interesting in other consumer information about interesting products and services, espeically those that can save you time and money, visit Your Market Connection and learn more!
Until Next Post, Best Regards,


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